The Old Boys RFC
About us
Message Board
The Committee
Player Profiles
Member List
1st Team
2nd Team
3rd Team
Match Reports
Training Day
Kit List 2008-09
Club Events
Rugby Tour 2009
Rugby Dinner 2009
The Boat Club
The Official Club Rules
The Official Club Songs
The Family Tree
The Old Boys RFC
Dear Uncle Mart
Tour flashbacks
Gallery of Photos
Adventures of the High Viz
Birds Rugby!
What do you drink?
The Cup

The Club is well over 40 years old. Without the heroes of the past, the heroes of the present would never have been a part of the Club we know and love today. Unfortunately, many of the Old Boys have lost touch with the Club, and only a handful still keep contact.
Whether anyone is aware, 2008 is the silver jubilee of the Mighty Club. As such the dinner that year will be stupenduous even to our usual standards. For this year we NEED to get hold of every old boy we can and drag them along. It promises to be the biggest night EVER!! As such we need to know numbers sooner rather than later, so if you're interested please email and put your name down early for the biggest event in Club history

Those of us who are in hospitals should make the effort to find out which of our doctors were ex-members of the Club and encourage them to visti this site, and get back in contact. If you are an Old Boys, drop us an email at, to let us know who you are, which hospital you are based at and what you are doing.
In doing this, hopefully we can all keep contact and get a great Old Boy turn out for the end of season ball.  Although old(er) and grey(er), I do not think they'll mind escaping from the wife and kids to live it up for the evening with old friends!

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