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vs Camp Hill 2ndXV (04/10/08)

Won 62-0

Tries: Scott (2), Angus (2), Roids, Curly B (2), Ali, Seb, Hardman

Conversions: Ali (6)

vs Wolverhampton 1st XV
WON 70-0
Tries: Wang(3), Vinnie(2), Vicann, Hally, Steve, Nick, Abou Samra
Conversions: Hally(10)
vs Nottingham Medics
DRAW 33-33
Tries: Rohan(2), Vinnie, Adie, Vicann
Conversions: Hally(2)
Penalty: Hally
Drop Goal: Hally
vs Bristol Medics (CUP game)
WON 39-0
Tries: Rohan(4), Vinnie
Conversions: Hally(4)
Penalty: Hally
Drop Goal: Hally
vs Broadstreet 2nd XV
WON 40-14
Tries: Rohan(2), Vinnie(2), Stormers, Luke
Conversions: Hally(5)
vs Warley 1st XV
WON 32-0
Tries: Vinnie, Rohan, Adie, Fresher, Ian
Conversions: Hally(2)
Penalty: Hally
vs Kidderminster 2nd XV
WON 24-15
Tries: Hally, Vicann, Wang
Conversions: Hally(3)
Penalty: Hally
vs Nottingham Medics (CUP SEMI)
WON 52-10
Tries: Luke, Wang, Duggan, Harry, Guy, Fresher, Adie
Conversions: Hally(4)
Penalties: Hally (2)
Drop Goal: Hally

Played 14; Won 13, Drawn 1, Lost 0
Points For: 558
Tries For: 80
Points Against: 130
Tries Against: 19
Leading Try Scorers: Vinnie 20, Rohan 12, Vicann 6, Harry 5, Fresher 5, Wang 5
Leading Points Scorers: Hally 163, Vinnie 100, Rohan 65, Vicann 30